a beginning of an awesome adventure!

a beginning of an awesome adventure!

Saturday, May 5, 2007


aummm... just got back from shoot man..
tomoro gotta start early again.so for the time being..y'all gotta hold the 'fort' k.
i'll be back ASAP once my shootis over.but again.i just accepted another shoot on the 12th MAY.meaning immediately after my current project..then i'll jump strait to the other wan..so i guess our "TANIIIII" plan have to postpone till im done la....which is around the 13 / 14th mAY....i believe that LAM is goin to organize this yamchau session.
any kemushkilan or queries..please liase with :
JASON LAM FCUK CHUNG @ 012 368 3684(he's the TANI planner)
his most recognized event was.."Brickfields Forever 1969 NIght"

ok..gotta ciao now.wana tido edi..
peace out yo....
god bless you,me and everybody.


Jayzen said...

no.... when u come back only organize laaaaaaaaaaa

V|vac|ous said...

Oh Lam ! Always had a crush on you now i got your number. But its a tad bit worrying that everyone else can have it 2 !!!!!
Wei guys DATA PROTECTION a bit ler.

Jayzen said...

ohhh... it's alright... that number is for my 'secret admirers' to have... so you can have it...oh yeah... you should have asked me... i'll gladly give it to you... call me anytime... :P

Jayzen said...

anyway rajen , wat the hell is "Brickfields Forever 1969 NIght" ?????????

Maharaja said...
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Maharaja said...

damm..u must be too damn busy to forget your own event..that was the event that boosted your carrer la..nemind,later i'll refresh your memory at 'the school' k....muaxxx

we'll roarsss ur socks off!!! AUUUUmmmmmm