An opening shot of a ray of light penetrating the between the curtains..the room is heavily smoked...a soft breeze of wind is blowing and camera track out slowly revealing... a bunch of tigers smoking BONG in Rajen's crib. Hand held camera to pick up shots of the Masters Mansion...
We cut to footages of old classic car..and add a crossfade transition to actual present times..here we see camera slowly pan down from ceiling above to eye level,revealing Rajen with his 1st vintage car.. an Opel Manta 1974. 17inch chrome rim,solid black thug color and chromed all over..aparently this Lil' monster can go up to 200mph!!! No shit! can hit from 0-100 in 2.67sec.
*it's tested and proven and certified by the certain Jabatan.(no name mention)......
Abrupted..(eugene is shaking rajen's head vigorously)
Eugene: Fucker la you..i tot this is about me?....
Rajen: tiu! dam potong...chilla.. i'll slowly get to ur part wan..
Eugene: dude..i'm damm lost la..who's mandy? nina? even Lick Knee is confused...
Ooooo.. izit the.....
Rajen immediately mencelah..
Rajen: Shhhhhhhhh.....
Eugene: !!!? shhhh..shh wut? u wana kencing?
Rajen: kencing your mother la.. sohai!! dun talk so loud..later they can hear..
Eugene: Who??? what?
camera will pull out from the top view of Rajen and Eugene..zoom out straight to the Satellite point of view..(something like 24) revealing that the conversation is monitored by a group
of Bloggers...
Rajen: (whispering)dude..it's not safe to talk here...come,come..we go to my panic room.
Eugene:(whispering) ok..
The 2 of them slowly crawls to the basement..
Eugene:(whispering) rajen..why u pulling my nuts?
Rajen: (whispering) oops..sorry..i tot its the door knob.
At the basement....
Rajen: What i'm about to tell you is highly,superly ,whateverly Confidential. you cannot tell anyone bout this k.if not , these certain tigers will whack me up.. :)
Rajen: mandy and nina is....... censored censored censored censored censored censored
censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored
censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored
censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored
censored censored censored censored censored censored censored...
after 3minutes 42 secs.
Eugene: Fuyoh!!!! Respect la...but the fella dam paedophile rite...
Rajen : (muka maintain) what to do...he's our friend ma...but ok la...Mandy is quite cute according to my sources.. then Nina is not bad as well..
Eugene: So have you seen them?
Rajen: No la..they all simpan kow kow..duwana share..scared i salah cakap later...whahaahahahahahahaa
Eugene: Ahahahahahahahaha....sohai! last time oso i dam scared wana intro my friend to you..takut u simpy talk cock to them..
Rajen:No la..usually 1st meeting i won't tunjuk belang wan..oni after the 2nd or 3rd..then i'll start la...(so whoever you are(got 2 person invole)..it's safe to intro me to ur fren..cuz i'm a very nice fella)
Eugene: wahahahaha!!!!!!
Rajen: (laugh until terkentut!!) ok..ok.. so let's get back to my dream..
Eugene: Ahaha...ok..ok.. so where were we the last time? who's the next victim on the list?
please comment on who/what character you guy wish to read in Part 4. so that i can arrange my kutuking/bang nicely . there's a few more character character i have in mind that i want to introduce..but b4 i get to those..i wana finished up all the tigers 1st.. waiting for your feedback..
Starring: V_ _ _ _ _ as Mandy
Nina as herself
Rajen being Rajen
Eugene as Himself
Special Appearance: Nicholas Lee Cock Wee as Lick Knee
Now playing: Amy Winehouse - Best Friends
via FoxyTunes
ahaha... cool cool... nice...
asskum abang rajen,
kudos good one
Hi Anonoymous, who are you care to introduce your self?
looks like my baby got competition now.
which baby?
hehehe...ei..ur not commenting..suka onot?
omg rajen....u actually dreamed about grabbing some other guy's balls..
i thought some "other" stuff might have happened in your "panic room"...
eh - sejak bila this mandy character came about?
Mandy is not her real name...i cannot reveal it just yet..if not.. some fucka will bash me up... hahahahha
uuu...look look.. rajen got anonymous fan..."abang" rajen summore.. lol
this time a bit short right.. but still cool..
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