a beginning of an awesome adventure!

a beginning of an awesome adventure!

Saturday, June 30, 2007


finally for the 1st time in this few weeks i get to post some stuff..
btw,im on a shoot now.doin jonhson & johnson. shooting in sri damansara area..which is somewhere near my house. it's a bonus job.been sitting for quite sometime here now.not doin much.so im goin to surf the net for while for some source of inspiration..

over and out yo!!!

Friday, June 29, 2007

united 300

I've been watching alot of the MTV movie spoof entries this morning.... i personally think that this is one of the better ones... damn funnny wei..

Thursday, June 28, 2007

hey guys!

hey guys,
its been awhile since i posted anything! well, just to inform everyone i'm alive and well. so whats the story with myself? i was intially suppose to buy a piece of property this month but i ended up getting outbidded and outcashed by alot of other people who are currently in the hunt for a home. getting a property has been one of the biggest decisions in my life and for some reason, i thought it would feel the same as buying a pair of shoes. :P only recently, it sunked in to me, that once i do commit myself into getting something, i would be stuck paying for it for the next 20 odd years! but that besides the point. we all have to do sometime or rather. unfortunately, circumstances has changed in my side simply because the property market has just shot up the roof in australia. so i'm hoping the interest rate would shoot up as well, causing people who are financing their loan at a very high interest rate to sell their property at a cheaper price because they can't afford to finance their loan anymore. well, thats the plan for end of this year.
i've also recently got myself into the ebay business and its so fun! i'm currently selling my shoes on ebay and its so cool! haha! well, i finally think its time for me to cash out and grow up. something i am finding hard to do... oh well... anyway, i will be heading back to kuala lumpur sometime early next year.. i know i know. its still a long time from now but i just thought i fill you guys in the plan i have. its been freaking cold here in melbourne and its pissing me off! i can't get out of bed without freezing my ass off! its great on my off days though, i can sleep in... i think thats enough for today. what you reckon kids? well, till next time! adios!


A touching Tale..


Are the residents called Fuckers?

What are the
mothers called?

What would you be learning at the Fucking High School ?

Does the Fucking Hospital help you with anything else?

If your friend came from
another town, he wouldn't be your Fucking friend



Hang Too Ah!

Hang Tuah Berbangsa Cina

Oleh Shahabudeen Jalil

Ramai di kalangan anggota masyarakat kita terutamanya orang-orang Melayu menganggap Hang Tuah adalah legenda pahlawan Melayu. Pada hakikat sebenarnya Hang Tuah bukanlah dari keturunan Melayu sebagaimana yang disangkakan. Itulah yang bakal dihuraikan dalam artikel ini.

Selama ini orang-orang Melayu telah terkeliru atau mungkin tertipu dengan kedudukan Hang Tuah sebagai legenda pahlawan Melayu yang dibangga-banggakan. Hang Tuah sebenarnya telah diMelayukan untuk tujuan kemegahan semacam bentuk yang tercatat pada Robin Hood.

Di dalam bilik-bilik darjah, dewan-dewan kuliah atau seminar bermotifkan sejarah atau kajian sejarah hanya membincangkan tentang kepahlawanan, kebijaksanaan serta kesetiaan Hang Tuah. Kisah Hang Tuah yang diagung-agungkan ini telah menenggelamkan keadaan sebenar tentang asal keturunannya.

Di kalangan masyarakat Melayu dewasa ini telah timbul semacam keraguan tentang pahlawan mereka ini, apabila penghormatan kepada pahlawan mereka mula dipersendakan dengan reaksi-reaksi melampau seperti kelihatan dalam filem Hang Tuah.

Keraguan terhadap kedudukan Hang Tuah sebagai pahlawan Melayu telah menghasilkan satu penyelidikan dijalankan terhadap asal usul keturunan secara hipotesis. Jika pepatah Melayu sendiri telah mengatakan "bahasa jiwa bangsa" dan "manusia mati meninggalkan nama" .

Bagaimana pula kita hendak menafikan kenyataan "nama menunjukkan bangsa". Bahasa "nama" merupakan identifikasi yang cukup jelas untuk mengetahui jenis sesuatu bangsa itu.
Bukti yang dapat menerangkan asal-usul Hang Tuah setakat ini, hanyalah dapat disandarkan pada namanya. Oleh itu satu kajian secara hipotesis telah dijalankan dengan bersandarkan kepada "nama" manusia untuk memperolehi jawapan tentang asal-usul Hang Tuah sebenarnya.

Dalam perbendaharaan nama-nama orang Melayu semasa zaman kesultanan Melayu Melaka, tiada terdapat nama-nama seumpama Hang Tuah, Hang Kasturi, Hang Jebat, Hang Lekir, Hang Lekiu, ringkasnya ringkasan yang bermula dengan "Hang". Sejarah juga telah mencatatkan nama-nama dari bangsa Cina yang bermula dengan Hang, Tan, Maa dan Lee. Ia bergantung kepada suku kaum atau asal-usul keturunan mereka dari wilayah tertentu dari China.

Kemungkinan untuk mendakwa bahawa gelaran "Hang" telah dianugerahkan oleh Raja-Raja Melayu juga tiada asasnya.

Mengikut kertas kerja yang dihasilkan oleh Mohd. Yunus Ibrahim dari Jabatan Sejarah UKM dengan tajuk "Melaka 1400-1511 Dari Aspek Kemasyarakatan," cuma menyatakan bahawa sesuatu penghormatan, ketaatan atau kedudukan adalah diberi gelaran seperti Bendahara, Paduka Raja, Temenggung, Laksamana, Shahbandar dan Mandulika.

Mengikut buku "Sejarah Melayu" edisi W.G. Shellabear penerbitan Malaya Publishing House Ltd. Singapore halaman 123-131, menyatakan tentang Tun Perpatih Putih, iaitu utusan Sultan Mansur Shah ke negeri China telah membawa balik bersamanya seramai 500 orang dayang serta Puteri Hang Li Po. Sultan Mansur Shah dikatakan telah berkahwin dengan puteri dari China ini dan telah menghasilkan anak bernama Paduka Mamat.

Perkara yang menarik dari edisi W.G. Shellabear ini ialah munculnya nama puteri Hang Li Po. Hasil perkahwinan "campur" antara puteri Hang Li Po dengan Sultan Mansur Shah, telah dikurniakan seorang putera dan telah diberi nama Paduka Mamat. Nama Paduka Mamat adalah nama Melayu dan tidak pula berlaku nama "Paduka Hang Mamat" sebagai penghargaan kepada puteri Hang Li Po, contohnya. Sejarah telah membuktikan bahawa nama-nama dari keturunan Cina biasanya bermula dengan Hang, Tan, Maa dan Lee bergantung kepada suku kaum mereka dan dari wilayah tertentu asal mereka.

Jika dihubungkaitkan dengan nama Hang Tuah dari sebutan loghat Cina adalah berbunyi seperti Hang Too Ah. Nama Hang Jebat berbunyi Hang Jee Fatt, Hang Lekir pula seperti Hang Lee Ker, manakala Hang Lekiu seperti Hang Lee Kiew. Mengikut prosedur tentang suku kata nama bangsa atau keturunan Cina, biasanya cuma terdiri dari 3 suku kata sahaja. Nama Hang Kasturi pula diragui kerana 4 suku kata walaupun ia bermula dengan perkataan Hang. Perkataan Kasturi pula ada berbaurkan loghat bahasa Melayu.

Terdapat 3 andaian hasil kajian secara hipotesis yang dijalankan.

Pertama : Hang Kasturi adalah berbangsa Melayu tetapi bergaul rapat dengan anak cucu dari rombongan puteri Hang Li Po.

Kedua : Nama sebenarnya ialah Kasturi tetapi telah digelar Hang Kasturi oleh 4 orang rakan karibnya yang berketurunan Cina sehingga menjadi sebutan yang kekal.

Ketiga : Mungkin nama Cina sebenar Hang Kasturi sukar disebut oleh masyarakat tempatan. Oleh itu mereka telah memberikannya nama baru mengikut loghat orang Melayu tempatan dan nama ini telah diterima dengan baik oleh beliau.

Perkara lain yang menarik ialah petikan kertas kerja Ong Hak Ching. Jabatan Sejarah UKM ada mengatakan bahawa Sultan Mansur Shah telah memberikan tempat kediaaman di Bukit Cina kepada puteri Hang Li Po serta 500 orang dayang-dayangnya. Anak-anak cucu mereka digelar "biduanda Cina" juga bermakna golongan yang dilindungi. Sama ada yang sudah memeluk Islam atau masih memeluk agama asal mereka.

Terdapat 3 andaian secara hipotesis mengenai hal ini.

Pertama : Tidak kesemua dari anggota rombongan puteri Hang Li Po yang memeluk agama Islam.

Kedua : Hang Too Ah, Hang Jee Fatt, Hang Lee Ker, Hang Lee Kiew, adalah keturunan dari rombongan puteri Hang Li Po.

Ketiga : Keempat-empat sahabat ini kemudiannya telah memeluk agama Islam tetapi mengekalkan sebutan nama mengikut loghat bahasa Melayu atas sebab-sebab tertentu, seperti Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat, Hang Lekir dan Hang Lekiu.

Hal yang lebih lanjut mengenai Hang Kasturi. Telah timbul percanggahan pendapat sejak dahulu lagi, sepertimana kajian secara hipotesis ini meragukan tentang nama sebenar Hang Kasturi.

Percanggahan pendapat ini berlaku antara pengarang "Sejarah Melayu" dan pengarang "Hikayat Hang Tuah" mengenai siapa sebenarnya telah menderhaka kepada Sultan Melaka. Pengarang Sejarah Melayu menuduh Hang Kasturi manakala pengarang Hikayat Hang Tuah Pula menuduh Hang Jebat.

Pertama :Tersirat sesuatu hal yang unik dan tersembunyi tentang kedua-dua tokoh pahlawan ini sehingga tidak ada satu kata sepakat di kalangan kedua pengarang serta pakar sejarah lampau.

Kedua : Pengarang "Sejarah Melayu" telah menggunakan bahan dalam penulisannya secara mengambil pendapat lisan dan tiada ada satu penyeledikan terperinci, kerana ia menyentuh kisah-kisah yang terlalu luas serta hal-hal yang menyeluruh.

Ketiga : Pengarang "Hikayat Hang Tuah" adalah lebih formal kerana menggunakan semacam bentuk kajian sehingga dapat menggariskan hal-hal peribadi Hang Tuah secara lebih detail.

Hasil kajian secara hipotesis ini telah membuktikan pengarang Hikayat Hang Tuah mempunyai banyak kelebihan dan penulisannya tentang hal Hang Jebat yang telah menderhaka kepada Sultan, adalah diterima mengikut hukum asal. Rumusan daripada kajian yang dijalankan telah menghasilkan penemuan baru yang melibatkan kedudukan Hang Tuah sebagai legenda pahlawan Melayu. Mengikut kajian hipotesis ini, Hang Tuah merupakan pahlawan yang telah diMelayukan demi untuk kemegahan atau simbol kepada orang-orang Melayu. Kita lihat bagaimana hipotesis ini menerangkan asal-usul Hang Tuah.

Hang Tuah adalah anak cucu kepada keturunan rombongan puteri Hang Li Po yang datang ketika pemerintahan Sultan Mansur Shah. Nama sebenar Hang Tuah ialah Hang Too Ah. Tetapi bertukar kepada nama sebutan Hang Tuah apabila pahlawan ini memeluk agama Islam dan berkhidmat kepada Sultan Melaka.PengIslaman Hang Tuah telah mempengaruhi 3 orang rakan karibnya iaitu Hang Jee Fatt, Hang Lee Ker dan Hang Lee Kiew. Keempat-empat sahabat baik ini juga bergaul rapat dengan Kasturi, iaitu rakan sebaya mereka yang berbangsa Melayu.

Mereka juga menggelar Kasturi dengan gelaran Hang Kasturi sebagai tanda satu persahabatan yang abadi.

Kelima-lima sahabat ini mula masyhur di kalangan istana apabila mereka menyelamatkan Bendahara dari serangan orang mengamuk. Mereka berlima kemudiannya memeluk agama Islam. Nama-nama mereka mengikut loghat Melayu telah tersebar dengan cepat dan meluas samada di kalangan istana atau orang-orang Melaka ketika itu termasuk nama Hang Kasturi.

Tiada bantahan yang pernah dibuat ketika itu kerana masyarakat Melayu zaman itu telahpun menganggap anak cucu dari rombongan puteri Hang Li Po sama seperti saudara Melayu mereka. Demikianlah serba ringkas kisah Hang Tuah yang berasal daripada keturunan puteri Hang Li Po dari kajian hipotesis ini.

Berdasarkan hipotesis ini juga bererti orang-orang Melayu telah kehilangan seorang pahlawan lagenda yang selama ini mereka bangga-banggakan. Walaupun demikian orang-orang Melayu telah terselamat daripada tuduhan menderhaka kepada Sultan. Hang Jebat atau nama asalnya Hang Jee Fatt yang telah menderhaka kepada Sultan bukanlah daripada keturunan orang Melayu Jati.

Berdasarkan hipotesis ini juga bererti orang-orang Melayu telah kehilangan seorang pahlawan lagenda yang selama ini mereka bangga-banggakan.Walaupun demikian orang-orang Melayu telah terselamat daripada tuduhan menderhaka kepada Sultan. Hang Jebat atau nama asalnya Hang Jee Fatt yang telah menderhaka kepada Sultan bukanlah daripada keturunan orang Melayu Jati?

i will follow you...but not anywhere..hehe

for starters...

I'm Back!

hey ppl!!

finally i can get some time off!
wah lau...so little post in this few weeks?!!
what happen la?

anyway i will try to post more..before i start my next job.
so, we're planning to hv a trip to PD sometime next month.
so do let me know if you're interested.

Now,be prepared for my shit!!!!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

On Tolerance My Ass

Taken from Uncle Lim's Blog -

I have received the following very angry email from MS, with a very ferocious heading which I am using - breaking a rule of this blog:

Couldnt help feeling this angry today. I know at my age, I am supposed to be mellowing out, looking forward to a nice chilled day and now what? I find myself with the same amount of righteous anger as I had when I was 16 - going through puberty and finding the world most unfair that my mum wouldnt allow me to have my first pair of cargo pants!
I was sitting in the banana leaf shop this morning having a roti and a coffee when a group of JAWI officers entered the premises. 10 officers to be exact, into this little shop. They spent a good 20 minutes going through the place (and it is a small place!) and finally one officer writes out a writ and gives it to the cashier.

They then left. Curious, I asked the cashier what that was all about and he replied that they were not allowed to have their little altars and pictures of their deities in their shop “because otherwise, Muslims cannot come into their shops” . What utter nonsense! Are we still living in the Malaysia that is so “famed” for its “religious tolerance”?? The shop is not a mamak shop. It is an Indian Banana leaf shop. Why would it be surprising that they should have signs of their religious beliefs in their own space? I didnt think that sort of thing was illegal (please correct me if I am wrong). What is wrong with this picture? Will it come down to the point when my Muslim friends should not visit my home just because I have a cross or a chinese altar there? PLEASE!
Better yet, I discovered as I was leaving , that the JAWI personnel had targetted the other 3 banana leaf shops along that row of old shops (near the vets office - off Jalan Maarof). There were at least 4 nos of vans for the officers , ALL double parked on the main road and causing an inconvenience to the other road users. I

s there a separate set of laws that govern these people? Notwithstanding the fact that they are trampling all over the definition of religious tolerance in this country , they also flaunt the general laws of the land. This makes me really angry and sad about the state of our country.
I now find it difficult to speak up for Malaysia when there are arguments comparing Malaysia to other countries. It is sad that we can have the once world tallest building and still think like we came out of the jungle yesterday.
My Personal Big Sad Day today

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

mari kita bersambung cerita..... ok???

kita setiap orang akan 'post' satu dua ayat untuk menyambung cerita.... sila 'post' kan dekat 'comment' ok??


Pada suatu hari , ketika rajen sedang memandu kereta barunya , dia terserempak dengan Yudhis. Mereka bercadang untuk menonton wayang di panggung wayang. Memandangkan hampir semua filem terbaru sudah ditonton oleh mereka berdua , cuma tinggal filem filem yang romatik dan kontroversial sahaja. Mereka akhirnya terpaksa menonton cerita 'Bara Cinta Antara Dua Bujang yang Ghairah'............

sila sambungkan cerita tersebut....



photosite plug?

Heyya Kiddies.
[Apa khabar, kanak kanak]

It is pseudo-Tuesday (Its Monday night US central time).
[Kini hampir/lebih-kurang hari Selasa]
I decided to plug my online photo repository (or suppository - however you wanna view it). Sharing is caring right?
[Saya ingin kongsikan blog foto peribabadi saya. .... saya tak reti menterjermahkan "expressi" itu. ..tak guna punya cina.]

[Memang pisang punye budak]....


Hari Selasa

Hello harimau-harimau Taman Tun
Minta perhatian anda semua
Marilah kita berbalas pantun
Kerana hari ini hari Selasa

Apa nak jadi dengan blog ini
Sudah terbiar setengah mati
Marilah kita cuba hidupkannya kembali
Kerjasama anda akan dihargai

Monday, June 25, 2007


Hello Everyone,The Harry Potter Stamps are being released due to the last instalment of the HR Book. JK Rowling lives inEdinburgh and so do I !

1st Day Covers x 7

The beautifully designed First DayCover features all seven Harry Potterbook cover Mint Stamps cancelled withthe appropriately named Broompostmark. = RM70

Harry Potter Mint Stamp Set

Each First Class stamp features thecover of one of the Harry Potterbooks; Harry Potter and thePhilosopher's Stone, Harry Potter andthe Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potterand the Prisoner of Azkaban, HarryPotter and the Goblet of Fire, HarryPotter and the Order of the Phoenix,Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Princeand, of course, Harry Potter and theDeathly Hollows. = RM50

Harry Potter Discount Pack Combo

Harry Potter Special Discount PackThis discount pack contains fivefantastic commemorative Harry Potterproducts; the two First Day Covers,Presentation Pack, Stamp Cards andGeneric Sheet. = RM 199.99



Sunday, June 24, 2007

Malaysian Hero.... any one of you up for the challenge??

I recommend Rajen but.... i don't think he did any good in his entire life before.... The only thing Fua did ..... he contributed to Moshin's wealth... Liew is a good choice.... but he used to work with a ciggarette company... which is BADDDDDDDD!!!!! I can't think of anyone else at the moment.... Oh yeah.. Ong's alright but the moment he knows that he's nominated ...... people who view his pictures , will think that he's a happy blind kid (can't see his eyes when he smiles mar....)

Anyone else wanna volunteer??

Quote of the day??

“A truly rich man is one whose children run into his arms when his hands are empty.” ~ Anonymous

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Cemas-ness @ the highest level?

I'm sure you all have read about Lam and and his cemas-ness encounter with the police, since he was driving with an expired driver's license. Well Lam, if this is of any consolation to you, you are not the only one happily driving around with an expired driver's license. The Son-In-Law was highlighted in Malaysiakini to be driving with an expired driver's license also. Here's a posting from the Politics 101 Malaysia blog:

Khairy driving without license

Posted:13:38 Jun-21-2007 Filed under: Law & Order

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usUmno Youth deputy chief Khairy Jamaluddin has cleared his 17 traffic summonses, acquired between March 2006 to April 2007, totaling RM1,740.

Six of the tickets were for speeding.

But there still seems to be a problem.

Further checks by malaysiakini yesterday revealed that 10 of those offences were committed after his driving license had expired since last Oct 21.

Section 26 of the Road Transport Act 1987 stipulates that no person shall drive a motor vehicle unless they possess a valid driving license.

The same section specifies that those in violation of the act shall be guilty of an offence and can be compounded of a maximum RM1,000, sentenced to a maximum three-month jail term or both.

So lam, if i were you, I would not take it too seriously. But then again he is THE Son-In-Law, and could probably get away with anything. You're just........a Tai Tau Tiger. Point to ponder....

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

i want to write a book....


I want to write a book... just for fucks ar... but i need some inputs... gimme some idea on what to write about...i will use you guys as the characters with different names of course...

what do you guys think???

son of the tiger...

Tiger Woods becomes a father

LOS ANGELES - Tiger Woods became a first-time father Monday, when his wife, Elin, gave birth to a baby daughter, the Worlds No. 1 golfer announced on his web site Monday.

Woods and Elin have chose the name Sam Alexis Woods for the baby, who was born early Monday morning just one day after Father's Day and less than 24 hours after Woods finished second in the 2007 US Open championship.

"Both Elin and Sam are doing well and resting peacefully," Woods wrote. "We want to thank our doctors and the hospital staff for all their dedicated and hard work. This is truly a special time in our lives and we look forward to introducing Sam to our family and friends over the next few weeks. We thank everyone for their well wishes and continued respect of our privacy."

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Hari Selasa!!!! yay!!!

fuhhh.... sudah lama saya tidak mengepos di blog..
maklumlah..minggu lalu saya teramat sibuk sekali.dan wifi jiran saya disambar petir..justeru itu mengakibatkan saya juga kehilangan wifi. sedihkan?
tetapi itu bukannya isu saya untuk minggu ini.

minggu ini saya ingin menceritakan kisah 'adventure' saya di ipoh pada minggu lalu.
seperimana yang anda telah baca di blog peribadi saya. saya telah menyediakan sebuah jadual untuk penggembaraan saya di ipoh.

rabu - 13hb jun
penggambaran bermula pada 5.oopagi.lokasi pertama adalah di FRIM kepong.kemudian pada waktu tengah hari, kami bertolak ke lokasi yang kedua di Petaling Street.cuaca pada hari pertama penggambaran kami adalah baik.hujan sedikit di sebelah petang.
semasa proses penggambaran di petaling street.kami berada di dalam sebuah tokong.suasana didalam sangatlah mententeramkan.tetapi ada sedikit 'insiden' yang mengganggu konsetrasi saya..iaitu ada segolongan pekerja didalam tokong itu memanggil Bak Kut Teh untuk makan malam mereka!!!! ARGHHHH!!!!!
aku giler stresss sial!! sebab kru-kru kami adalah berbilang kaum.jadi makanan yang tidak halal adalah haram semasa di lokasi!!! chau cibai!
nasib baik saya adalah seorang yang berpandangan jauh...jadi perkara - perkara itu tidak dapat melemahkan semangat perjuangan saya.
setelah tuan pengarah mengatakan 'WRAP'. saya dan beberapa rakan segera bergegas ke kedai Bak Kut Teh! kami belasah Bab*-Bab* sampai tak ingat dunia..baekkkkkknya.
setelah selesai semua,saya balik ke rumah untuk bersiap sedia sebab gwa kena bertolak ke Ipoh pada malam yang sama.
cuba anda bayangkan..dengan perut yang kenyang,air cond kereta yang sejuk dan 2 1/2 jam perjalanan ke ipoh.MENYEKSAKAN!! dahlah 'travel' sorang.dah hampir 2kali aku nak kena dinding! haih...
FYI(untuk pengetahuan anda):waktu bangun 4.00 pagi (Rabu),waktu tidur 6.oo pagi (Khamis)

khamis - 14hb jun
sebelum saya sampai ke ipoh,bermacam-macam 'plan' telah saya fikirkan untuk sepanjang 2 hari saya di Ipoh...nyatalah jangkaan saya meleset sama sekali.hari saya bermula pada 8.00 pagi. untuk pagi ini,misi pertama saya adalah belasah Breakfast Buffet di Hotel.saya tinggal di Impiana Casuarina ipoh.boleh dikatakan hotel 5 bintang.jadi..urmmm..makanan di hotel boleh tahan jugak.tetapi sayang sekali.. mereka tidak ada cha siew pau dan 'glutinious rice' di barisan buffet itu. cis! kalau tidak.. muahahahahaha..
pada pagi itu, saya mempunyai beberapa temujanji dengan pembantu-pembantu di ipoh.jadi saya berjumpa dengan mereka di sebuah restoran bernama 'Restoran Tongkat Ali'.setelah selesai dengan urusan.mereka mengajak saya ke karaoke pada waktu malam...hehe. dengar khabar..cewet ipoh mmg boleh tahan..muahahahahaha. Butohlah!! mimpi ngeri saya bermula pada waktu malam! sebelum itu,biar saya ceritakan hari saya.selepas restoran itu,saya bertolak ke lahat untuk menunggu pengarah saya.dia datang dengan helikopter dari cameron.
setelah selesai,dia pun berangkat bersama heli.di pertengahan jalan , ipoh dilanda hujan ribut taufan kow kow maksimum 78petala langit!!! jadi heli terpaksa berpatah balik ke lapangan terbang ipoh untuk membuat pendaratan.disebabkan hujan itu.segala perancangan kami terjejas!malahan kos - kos penggambaran juga meningkat.gilerrr..tak tahan dah.kalau nak cerita sampai besok pun tak habis lagi...
waktu bangun 8.00 pagi (Khamis),waktu tidur 4.3o pagi (jumaat).

jumaat - 15hb Jun

hari bermula dengan penuh drama.tetapi berakhir dengan sempurna sekali.

*banyak lagi yang ingin saya kisahkan..tetapi sekarang adalah masa untuk makan tengah hari dan kawan - kawan saya ingin pergi ke jalan kelang lama untuk kena bak kut teh.
jadi saya terpaksa ikut mereka sekali.
untuk maklumat lanjut. kita jumpa di mosin untuk yamcha session.

sekian semua.

p/s:saya malas untuk meletakkan cerita ini di blog peribadi saya.MALAS!!ada faham! :)


Got this from one of the bulletin post from friendster... funny... some didn't really make sense

Q: What is the difference between men
and puppies?
A: They are equally the same.. Playfull.

Q: Why do men always have a stupid look
on their faces?
A: Cuz they are!!

Q: What do men have in common with
ceramic tiles?
A: Fix em properly once and you can
walk all over them forever. Whahaha.

Q: If you drop a man and a brick out of
a plane, which one would hit the ground
A: I guess a man will.. They are rock

Q: What did God say after he created
A: Impressive but i know i can do
better! And then he created women!!!!

Q: What's the difference between an
intelligent man & a UFO?
A: Hell knows.

Q: What are two reasons why men don't
mind their own business?
A: i) no mind ii) no business

Q: Why did Moses wander in the desert
for 40 years?
A:! Because even back then men are ego
and wouldn't ask for directions ..LOL!!!

Q: What is the difference between men
and pigs?
A: Pigs don't turn into men when they

Q: What makes men chase women they have
no intention of marrying?
A: The same urge that makes dogs chase
vehicles they have no intention of

Q: What do you do with a man who thinks
he's God's gift?
A: Exchange him!! ASAP

Q: Why do men like smart women?
A: Opposites attract..Hello!!

Monday, June 18, 2007

how a 7 yr old kid explain sex

Little Johnny was 7 years old and likeother boys his age rather curious.
He had been hearing quite a bit about 'making out' from the older boys,
and he wondered what it was and how it was done.

One day he took his question to his mother, who became rather flustered.
Instead of explaining things to Johnny, she told him to hide behind the curtains
one night and watch his older sister and her boyfriend.
This he did.

The following morning, Johnny described EVERYTHING to his mother.

"Sis and her boyfriend sat and talked for a while, then he turned off most of the lights.
Then he started kissing and hugging her. I figured 'Sis must be getting sick,
because her face started looking funny.
He must have thought so too, because he put his hand inside her blouse to feel her heart,
just the way the doctor would. Except he's not as smart as the doctor because he
seemed to have trouble finding her heart. I guess he was getting sick too, because
pretty soon both of them started panting and getting all out of breath.
His other hand must have been cold because he put it under her skirt.
About this time 'Sis got worse and began to moan and sigh and squirm around and
slide down toward the end of the couch.
This was when her fever started. I knew it was a fever, because Sis told him
she felt really hot.
Finally, I found out what was making them so sick......-a big eel had gotten inside
his pants somehow. It just jumped out of his pants and stood there, about
10 inches long, honest, anyway he grabbed it in one hand to keep it from getting away.
When Sis saw it, she got really scared-her eyes got big, and her mouth
fell open, and she started calling out to God and stuff like that. She said it
was the biggest one she's ever seen; I should tell her about the ones down at the lake by our house!
Anyway, Sis got brave and tried to kill the eel by biting its head off. All of
a sudden she grabbed it with both hands and held it tight while he
took a muzzle out of his pocket and slipped it over the eel's head to keep it from biting again.
Sis lay back and spread her legs so she could get a scissor-lock on it and he
helped by lying on top of the eel. The eel put up a hell of a fight.
Sis started groaning and squealing and her boyfriend almost upset the couch.
I guess they wanted to kill the eel by squashing it between them.
After a while they both quit moving and gave a great sigh. Her boyfriend got
up, and sure enough, they killed the eel. I knew because it just hung there, limp,
and some of its insides were hanging out. Sis and her boyfriend were a little
tired from the battle, but they went back to courting
anyway. He started hugging and kissing her again. By golly, the eel wasn't dead! It jumped
straight up and started to fight again.
I guess eels are like cats- they have nine lives or something. This time, Sis
jumped up and tried to kill it by sitting on it. After about a 35 minute
they finally killed the eel. I knew it was dead, because I saw Sis's
boyfriend peel its skin off and flush it down the toilet.

Somebody F***ed up. Big time!!!


Whoever believes that crime does not pay should not live in Malaysia. I consider the latest Maybank scandal an out and out criminal act. There's no other way to describe it. But whoever committed the crime appears to be getting away scot-free.

Okay, for those of you who've been sleeping or been apathetic as usual or been abroad and out of Internet reach in Siberia here's a little background to what took place about a week ago.

Maybank, the country's biggest bank announced that for legal firms to do business with it the firms must have at least 3 Bumiputra partners. One of whom must own no less than 50% equity in the firm. Of course, when the announcement went public the shit hit the fan. As it should.

Muhibbah, right? One for all and all for one, right? Racial integration, right? Fair play, right? Wrong! These are the rules. So there!

The legal profession went berserk. Some of the Malaysian rakyat, those who weren't sleeping or been properly trained as sheep, thought, "What the hell???!!!"

And then the usual talking heads realised..."Eh? Somebody screwed up big time la." Shit!" Then they all came out and made...statements. Even went up to the cabinet at a meeting chaired by the Prime Minister who wasn't opening a restaurant or looking at kebayas that day. And they all echoed the usual, "No cannot!"

And then some really funny stuff came forth from the mouths of some of these trained sheep. Ng Yen Yen, the deputy finance minister was reported as questioning the bank's move as firms that provided the best professional services should be the criteria for selection. Where's Yen Yen been living all these years? The moon?

Hishammuddin Hussein, I'm not sure with or without the keris this time, thought he was being smart when he used another racialistic argument against a racialistic decision. He said that in multi-racial Malaysia every small thing could become sensitive. Hello, Hisham you're not always going to be able to scare us with mentions or veiled references to May 13, 1969 you know. So what? So we should keep quiet and let you sweep this shit under the carpet because you scare us with this May 13 riots and bloodshed memory? This isn't about small things becoming sensitive. This is about a major f**k up that somebody needs to answer for. Okay, I'm waiting for you or one of your cabinet colleagues to pull out the ever useful "rights enshrined in the Constitution" gambit. With bated breath.

Hisham, I choose to believe that us Malaysians are smart enough to know that the only way we can prosper is to live and work together as one nation.

It's been days since the shit hit the fan but do you notice something? No names have ever been mentioned. It's always Maybank did this Maybank shouldn't have done that. So? So who the f**k is Maybank? Who in Maybank was responsible for making the decision to discriminate so blatantly? Was it the chairman? The board of directors? Some senior manager? Maybank made a decision which means someone signed on the dotted line knowing full well what he/she was doing. Right? So how come, the cabinet, the Prime Minister and all the assorted bunch of politicians are busy making statements and excuses but nobody has ever mentioned a name from Maybank who signed the directive?

This makes an ordinary, tax-paying member of the rakyat like me very suspicious. Was this a government decision that went horribly wrong? Was some bigshit...sorry I meant bigshot...in Maybank trying to covertly sabotage the government's plans? Was this discrimination something that's been happening all along and that this was just a cat out of the bag situation? How are we going to trust each other ever again? How are we to believe the government's plans for racial integration are even real?

But already the coverage of this Maybank thing is losing steam in the mainstream media. The flers from BN will make some more statements. Maybe fire some fireworks in celebration of some Visit Malaysia Year biggest, longest, stupidest 'achievement' and soon we will all forget and go back to our apathetic lives.

But today I am one really unhappy Malaysian. I am unhappy that something like this could happen. I am unhappy that so many of my friends don't seem to think that this is a big deal. I am unhappy that I am being patronised by the very people who should be accountable to me for f**k ups like this. I am unhappy that everybody is talking and nobody is being held accountable or responsible. Not the finance minister. Not Bank Negara. Not Maybank.

I will never use Maybank services. And I think you shouldn't either. But then I know...aiyah! troublesome la want to change bank account. Somemore they got so many branches ma. So easy for me lor. Hiyah! Waffor want to worry la. Can't do anything anyway what.

Okay, you like the shit hole you're living in you can stay in it. I'm not going to.


Sunday, June 17, 2007

Imminent Demise

I have the gut feeling that this blog will not survive to the end of this month. The blog has never been as dead as this. Why did everyone stopped posting? Would love some suggestion on how to get this blog back into life. Has it become cumbersome to put up some postings?

Friday, June 15, 2007

Marvel vs DC...

these are just too damn funny....go on ... watch it... and die laughing...

Thursday, June 14, 2007

On Saying Goodbye to Some things from the Past

Are you a hoarder?
Few weeks back I cleared some of my stuff. Although I have been hanging on to these for many many years I ask my self the question 'Have I used these in the past 2 years ?' If No , Throw away. So I did along with many or my report cards, brown 001 cards and some of these. I realise that memories should be in the mind and heart. I don't need to justify and show proof to anyone I got Number 1-3 in class from Standard 1-6 right.

So I took some pictures before I got rid of them, the NKOTB cassette was my first ever. I was 6 years old I think and there was no going to shopping malls or out with friends unlike the spoilt brats these days. Also I think the only shopping mall was Jaya Supermarket.
I only went there when I did well in class because it had 'Toy Land' I dont remember if you guys went there for recreation. Think it was the only cool place around. So I said to my dad on his way back from work to get me this NKOTB... He went there and said to the guy he wanted to buy a cassette ''some boys on the rock'' I remember this indecent because he came back mentioning that it took some time finding the cassette. Those days no mobile.

Those were the days cassesstes were worth RM6 (Sound of Music) btw I can sing you any of the Sound of Music Songs ! hahahah. My personal Favs are Roxette and Mega Hit 5.

Buncho Crayons !!! Look at them in mint condition after all these years. More over I wrote the year and how I won these. I really keep things well huh. Gave this to my mum who paints during her spare time.
Are you missing the one thing that you are not suppose to?
Well I am and I feel horrible about it. You wont understand unless you are in my situation. My Best Friend in the Whole Wide World is getting married on the 16th Taman Tun Chick. Tried to source around for tickets like mad but I had just gone back in March. It hurts alot knowing that you shared so much together now you cant share the next milestone in her life. Summore I was suppose to be pengapit and get a free baju ok ! Kebaya fierce and seksa one! We people living abroad pay a high price for alot of things which you people live in Malaysia are unaware of.
So Since her sister was going back and me being so upset I went to the card shop and bought the most expansive card. (Gift, will be given later during my next Msia trip) Infact I bought 2. The big one cost RM78.

Due to being emo I wrote and I wrote from the time we met at Mrs. Dhillion's tuition class. The wee card I ended up writting till the back of the card.

Just think Ra-Jen is getting hitched and you cant go ! How shitty will you feel !!!!!!!!!

And Finally one for the Road

Love and Light
The Lionesss Bloody cold summer 14 degs !!! WHATEVER SCOTLAND
PS : Respect Lam who posted the Manta Pictures Bloody hellllll Its so hard to adjust the pictures takes ages ok.

Another one of us in captivity.

Hey guys, I pulled this out from www.thestar.com.my.

Tiger caught in Kelantan sent to Malacca Zoo

MALACCA: A Malayan tiger, which was caught in Kelantan on Monday, has arrived at Malacca Zoo where it will be quarantined for three months.

“We have since given him a bath and injected him with antibiotics. We have yet to name him,” zoo director Mohd Nawayai Yasak said.

Temporary home: The tiger being kept in quarantine at Malacca Zoo.
The 80kg male tiger, believed to be about one-and-a-half years old, was caught in Kampung Sungai Rual in Jeli.

Asked about the tiger’s fate after the quarantine, Nawayai said the zoo would consider giving him to a local or overseas zoo.

“We do not intend to keep or display the tiger to the public yet,” he said, adding that the Malacca Zoo already had 23 Malayan tigers.

He said only eight of the tigers were displayed to the public.

He expects officials from Taman Negara to take the tiger’s measurements, such as paw size, to determine if it was involved in the attack on an elderly woman in Kelantan in November last year.

Lets hope he'll be fine.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

maaf ya, tunggu sebentar

adik adik sekalian,
ada kerja. pergi ke luar negeri untuk seketika.
kembali minggu depan.
aman. (peace)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


apa khabar sekalian. sepertimana yang saya catitkan di dalam blog peribadi saya.
minggu ini,saya teramat sibuk sehingga terpaksa melepaskan aktiviti kegemaran saya.. iaitu
tampal - menampal(posting) di blog..saya akan kembali beraksi pada minggu depan bersama kisah-kisah aksi(adventure?) saya di ipoh.
jadi kita berjumpa pada hari dan waktu yang sama pada hari selasa depan ya.
sekian. aman dan sentosa selalu! (peace always)

Mana perginya orang

Hari ini hari selasa. Mengapa tak ada orang mengarang apa apa utusan? Kenapa semua orang diam sangat. Dah tak ada minat untuk mengarang dalam blog ini eh? Biasanya tiap tiap hari ada sekurang-kuranya dua utusan. Tetapi sekarang, sudah lebih dua hari tiada utusan. Cepatlah tulis sesuatu utusan yang menarik.

Jangan biar blog ini mati begitu sahaja. Sudah tentu kamu semua ada benda yang menarik yang kamu hendak ceritakan.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Myths of the Tigers

Here are some questionable myths that have been lingering around our minds for a long time. We think its time to set the record straight. Please state true or false, and why. You must justify your answer.

Myth 1:
Rajen and Kakak Toll?

Myth 2:
Rajen and school girls (when he was around 20-21)?

Myth 3:
Yudhis has a girlfriend and he is being quiet about it?

Myth 4:

When you comment, please number which myth(s) you are talking about.

This has been a collaboration between the Lioness and the Lain Lain Tiger :)

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Look what i've picked up.

Return of the....

hey guys...

Here's the long waited name for our Long Lost Tiger.
Though we've been separated since the day you took THAT pee...
that time you were still a cub..you didn't know that
we normally hold our pee til the end of the journey.
can't blame you.. :)
but Hey!! look what i've found in the cupboard..

this was collin's 1st toy.look at the joy it brings to him.it's a DJZ2-3 SE series Deck.top of the shelf man!!

- Presenting -
Collin Looi
The Spinning Tiger

Found the Long Lost Tiger

It was many years back when we Tigers were roaming the jungles. He got separated when he stopped to pee. We never saw him again since then. But today we found him back and we are reunited again. Presenting Collin Looi, our long lost Tiger. The Master Tiger has not bestow him with a title yet. So for now, lets just give an applause to our newest member. Be nice to him. Who knows in the future he may give your wife a free colposcopy or hysterectomy.

Note to Collin: You are encouraged to post here regularly, with stuffs we Tigers can relate to. You can post anything of everything. Tuesday is BM day. All post and comments on that day must be in BM.

any of you blog ar???

if you do , please leave your personal blog's URL at the comments so i can add you guys up at my personal blog.. i'll post it as a link... i want to read your blogs as well...

a story of babi...

The Pig on the Road

A state trooper was driving through a rural area one day and as he passed by a farm, the farmer yelled "PIG! PIG!" at him while shaking a pitchfork. The trooper wasn't the sensitive type and began yelling out the window "Redneck! Redneck!" as he ran into the large pig crossing the road.

Friday, June 8, 2007

The Horny Haircut

As an attractive young hairdresser was about to lock up for the evening a sweaty little man knocked and asked her if he could please get a quick trim. She reluctantly obliged and quickly began to trim his hair. As she was finishing up she noticed that under the covering she'd put on him to catch the hair, his hands were moving up and down in his lap. Outraged, she grabbed a large curling iron from the shelf and knocked him unconscious. She called the police and when they arrived they asked what the man had done that had caused her to attack him, she told them, "Just look under the sheet!" The officer pulled the sheet away and said: "Lady, there's no law against a man polishing his eyeglasses!"

cats and kittens, welcome to the ugly

I know this has absolutely nothing to do with the tigers -

But this one time.... at band camp (and by band camp, i mean the Coyote Ugly Saloon)

I walk into the bar and order some refreshing beverages from this nice lady:
Apparently, she sometimes delivers drinks on all fours.
And then, she delivers body shots from the ceiling. I am afraid i didnt capture the moment better. But she proceeds to take a shot, upside down - then pours more shots from the ceiling.
Oh, and if you notice there are bras' on the ceiling. I have no clue why.
After she is done serving drinks, she dances on the bar for a good bit. Then they let the rest of the female customers dance on the bar. Good times.
Unfortunately, i have not patronized too many bars back in KL. This must change. Another thing, i havnt really enjoyed refreshing beverages with any of you kids (the tigers). Why ah?

Chinese Food

I think I've shown this to you guys before but if you have not seen it, do look for it when you go to China.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Along - Along Bukit Beruntung.

while we are at bukit beruntung..
some of you mite have seen or heard this before......
damm freaking cun song..

Along-Along Bukit Beruntung.

sayang wa tau lu selalu ada problem punya
slalu angkat wang tak boleh bayar
selalu talak wang tak boleh carik
nama sudah black list dalam bank
semua pun susah sempit manyak hal

tidak perlu form J
tidak perlu penyata bank simpanan selama 6 bulan
tidak perlu galentor atau cagaran (tak payah wo)
kami mahu menolong anda

kami along along bukit beruntung 2x
kami mahu membantu anda
jika tidak putus jali-jalinya....


kalau tiada kalau tiada jari
lu ingat lu boleh lari
tak boleh tak boleh kerana
kami akan memotong benda yang boleh dipotong

kami, kami along bukan bolo punya dulu ingat kami bolo
kami boleh amek ini pisau potong lu punya tangan tau
lu mau mati ka lu mau lali dari diri kami
dulu dulu datang mau pinjam wang manyak-manyak
manis mulut tapi lepas itu lali
kalang-kalang mulut ada busuk pun mali pinjam wang
bolo kenapa lali lulu mau pinjam boleh bagi ini bagi itu
itu kami tak mau dengar sekarang kami mau wang kami
bayar balik nanti kita ade panggil tonto cari
nanti dia olang cakap jali tala ama tala papa tala semua tala kena potong
nanti kalo takde jali macamana mau pegi mengundi


kami along, along bukit beruntung 3x

I've got my eyes on...

next car on the list is...Asia Rocsta Jeep!!!!!!
it's still in freaking good condition.
the offered price for now is quite good.but i'm still
thinking of improving my 'conning' skills.
btw it's from a malay owner..probably easier for me to 'attack'.
this mean machine is from bukit beruntung..im going to view it next weekend..
anyone wants to follow.just tag along la..
hopefully can close deal with the fella in the nearest time.

Now,Presenting My Baby II.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

What's The Story (Morning Glory)?

Okay I'm going to lay out the bare facts of the issue here and I hope by the end of today (Wednesday), we'll be able to decide which direction this blog should be headed. I hope that EVERYBODY will give their input.

So as some of you may have noticed, there was a post, which has since been removed by the author that was something unrelated to the Tigers. Many of you felt that such post should have been posted in the personal blog of the author instead of in the Tiger's domain.

Therefore, the Master Tiger has suggested that a notice be put up to ensure that postings in this blog be restricted to stuffs concerning the tigers only.

While I agree that we should keep our postings relevant to all of us, I feel that enforcing the "law" (for the lack of a better word), is to a certain degree, tantamount to censorship. My suggestion would be that we ourselves should be responsible with our own postings, and we ourselves should decide what to post and what not. It means that no one shall be compelled to delete their post, once published, unless it contravenes blogging ethics.

So the thing for you all to decide is:

- Should we, by decree limit postings only to things relevant to the Tigers? Please remember that this would involve some form of restriction, which contradicts the guarantee we gave that you are free to publish anything.


- Leave things the way they are, where u can write anything of everything but to be personally responsible to post only relevant topics, and that failure to comply will not result on any actions, verbal or otherwise on your postings.

Your thoughts please.

Who's the man now?

I dunno whats the fuss with the direction of this blog is. I still dunno whether this blog is just gonna be a phase in our lives we’ll just forget or something that we hang on to as we grow up, a means of staying in contact with one another. I’m hoping the later though.

I believe we should blog abt pretty much anything, so long as it relates to us as a group.

Anyway, back to the blogs we’re all acceptable with (or so I hope): forwards / articles that we come across while surfing the net (rubbish) worth reading.

I found quite a few links which all lead to this. The authenticity though is still a doubt to me. Even so, it still is a good read.


Dear Mr. Baker,

As an employee of an institution of higher education, I have few very basic expectations. Chief among these is that my direct superiors have an intellect that ranges above the common ground squirrel. After your consistent and annoying harassment of my co-workers and me during our commission of duties, I can only surmise that you are one of the few true genetic wastes of our time.

Asking me, a network administrator, to explain every nuance of everything I do each time you happen to stroll into my office is not only a waste of time, but also a waste of precious oxygen. I was hired because I know how to network computer systems, and you were apparently hired to provide amusement to your employees, who watch you vainly attempt to understand the concept of "cut and paste" as it is explained to you for the hundredth time.

You will never understand computers. Something as incredibly simple as binary still gives you too many options. You will also never understand why people hate you, but I am going to try and explain it to you, even though I am sure this will be just as effective as telling you what an IP is. Your shiny new iMac has more personality than you ever will.

You wander around the building all day, shiftlessly seeking fault in others. You have a sharp dressed, useless look about you that may have worked for your interview, but now that you actually have responsibility, you pawn it off on overworked staff, hoping their talent will cover for your glaring ineptitude. In a world of managerial evolution, you are the blue-green algae that everyone else eats and laughs at. Managers like you are a sad proof of the Dilbert principle.

Seeing as this situation is unlikely to change without you getting a full frontal lobotomy reversal, I am forced to tender my resignation; however, I have a few parting thoughts:

1. When someone calls you in reference to employment, it is illegal for you to give me a bad recommendation as I have consistently performed my duties and even more. The most you can say to hurt me is, "I prefer not to comment." To keep you honest, I will have friends randomly call you over the next couple of years, because I know you would be unable to do it on your own.

2. I have all the passwords to every account on the system and I know every password you have used for the last five years. If you decide to get cute, I will publish your "Favorites," which I conveniently saved when you made me "back up" your useless files. I do believe that terms like "Lolita" are not viewed favorably by the university administrations.

3. When you borrowed the digital camera to "take pictures of your mother's b-day," you neglected to mention that you were going to take nude pictures of yourself in the mirror. Then, like the techno-moron you are, you forgot to erase them. Suffice it to say, I have never seen such odd acts with a ketchup bottle. I assure you that those photos are being kept in safe places pending your authoring of a glowing letter of recommendation. (And, for once, would you please try to use spellcheck? I hate correcting your mistakes.)

I expect the letter of recommendation on my desk by 8:00 am tomorrow. One word of this to anybody and all of your twisted little repugnant obsessions will become public knowledge. Never f*ck with your systems administrator, Mr. Baker! They know what you do with all that free time!


David Blocker

Network Administrator

we'll roarsss ur socks off!!! AUUUUmmmmmm