a beginning of an awesome adventure!

a beginning of an awesome adventure!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Apple is da bomb and you guys know it.. ahahha..

If you havent been watching Steve Jobs' Keynote presentation at today's Macworld 2008 , you would think that the picture you see above , is just a piece of aluminium sheet with an Apple logo on it ... but what can i say , Apple has done it again!!! it's the new laptop , and it's called MacBook Air.. not because it's floating.. but because of the whole idea of being wireless... shit i dunno where to start.....

check out the rest of the post here.... trust me.. it's just unbelievable..!!!


lick knee. said...

eh. so when is the 2nd gen iphone gonna drop?
i want one

Maharaja said...

i want too..

lick knee. said...

actually... i want 3.

Jayzen said...

dunno yet... towards the end of 2nd quarter maybe

Maharaja said...

ooo..nick i know why u wan 3..

1 for rajen
1 for nick
1 for ur chix.. i dun remember her name..is it chrissy or something like that... oh dammit.. x[

we'll roarsss ur socks off!!! AUUUUmmmmmm