Guess who lerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ??????????????? I serba excited (new word not bad eh lioness)
Hiyo today I'm like to tired and fatigue in office. Cant wait for 6pm Badminton. Since you guys started there I also started here. My partner is not bad, one fellow called Skippy ! No actually I nick name him skippy coz he is from Ozzland lerrrrrrrrrrr.
Today I feel like eating Ayam Percik and Rojak outside Atria. I know If I was back Daddy will teman me makan-makan. Btw Greg finds the Daddy word uneasy.
Ok tigers cepat cepat guess whooo okkkkkkkkk. Winner will get a big sloppy Lionessssyyyy Lick.
i'm guessing greg or alex...
one only cannot blindly tembak i know u want your lick. Daddy im eating strawberries and blueberries lerrrrrrrrrr instead fo juicy ayam percikkkkkk
i have to second the notion that the term "daddy" is weird.
imagine if you referred to him as "ayah". or "bapak".
the Spanish word "Papi" is pretty hot tho.
and i think your guest will be Alex. its easiest for him?
u say guess im guessing either 1 of them....
One only la Pappiii !!!!
faster choose... Greg says it sounds porn ish like whos your daddy... kind of ler since this blog is adopting a new direction
a non-porn direction??!!
About a year ago, I did a search on the online sex offender database and I found out that there's a guy with a history of molesting other boys staying just 2 blocks away from me.
Rumor has it that he made the boys call him "daddy". So u gotta understand where i'm coming from.
And no, I have no money to fly to Edinburgh.
ok la its ALEX GANNNNNNNNN !!! he will be here for some surgery conference. but we all know he is here for a freee holiday. Eh can trust alex to operate or not... hmmhmhmhm
btw i think rajen wants to be knows as father of all porn bapak film lucah the daddy of all daddies ALL HAIL RAJEN !!!!! rajen u can be seymore butts. ceh rugi u guys gont get shows like that seymore butts is one of the best porn director films they did a reality show on his life. do u tube it la
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