how's everybody doin?? still stuck with my holiday mood man...been listening to reggae's all day long.
even freaking dreaming of bitches every now n then..i mean beaches...
been downloading reggae songs.i think dah got bout 1 gig of reggae song..
geez..good thing shooting in langkawi again next month..probably gonna extend my stay after the month suppose to be Arab i wonder how all the Batwoman hang out at the beach...??? i ponder and wonder and wonder what i ponder on...make sense ahh??
neway, GGD is cool.not as Rocking as they were before tho...and their stuffs can be categorized in the classic section. or evergreen rock??? what say u?
nice memorable song la....vinnie, remember to post pictures and videos...additional footage of u n john are very much appreciated... :)
it's been a while since i last post,dunno what else to say..
been thinking lately for new stories to post on the blog...but none is good..
nevertheless,i will keep thinking and thinking...if my head is still not productive..then i have to start using my lil' head to do the thinking then...well, u know what they say...
2 head is better than 1..
poker anyone?? we've got poker nights every weds and sunday.
me and my colleagues la..we all go to his booze and liquor...
then poker till morning...
chips - white $1 , red $ 2 , blue $ 5 and black $ 10....
i think we all shud start playing's a dammm cool game.
we usually take out cards from 2,3,4,5 from the deck. there was once i got an Ace fullhouse.
3 A and 2K. the opened card was A,9,J,6 and K....
let's study this. K - 9 -j -K - A. there is chances that someone might get a strait or a flush....but it's still just a normal strait and a flush i was damm confident la.cuz i've got full house A's. so we kept raising until ridiculous amount. then when bukak..the fella got royal flush. 10,J,Q,K,A (all hearts)....awhhhh FARK man!!! ;(
ahhahahaa..that's the thrill of the game la
shit man.... we'll update more later. stay cool everyone.
Rajen : eugene...hows ur wedding prep????
1 comment:
very unlucky hand rajen.. only a straight or royal flush can beat u and u're beaten by that
very sick
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