a beginning of an awesome adventure!

a beginning of an awesome adventure!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Happy Belated Birthday!

Guys, I can't believe you all didn't notice that we started this blog on April 11 one year ago. The Tigers actually survived the year. Sure, it's not as lively as it used to be, but the fact that we haven't totally abandoned this blog is a feat.

Sure there are the ups and downs throughout the year, but I think we've been pretty good by far and large. You guys should read the post we made a year ago and reflect back on the heydays of this blog, especially those Hari Berpantun on Tuesdays. I read them all and started laughing. Maybe we should try to revive it eh?

So, to all the Tigers, Happy Birthday! Be proud that we made it past the first year and wish that many more will come.


lick knee. said...

okay. happy birthday?

yeah. i still check this blog all the time... but not many people post new stuff.
and if it were up to me, id post often - but dunno what to post.


Maharaja said...

OOOO....1 year edi!!! hehehe

V|vac|ous said...

OMG 1 year !!! yes pantun tuesdays was the bomb ! anywas thanks gregs for this.

we'll roarsss ur socks off!!! AUUUUmmmmmm